Paleo snacks play an important role in any Ancestral diet for two important reasons:
1. Paleo snacks keep you satisfied between meals and keep you from feeling hungry.
2. Paleo snacks help to bridge the gap between your current eating habits and switching to a Paleo or Primal way of eating.
Staying Satisfied On A Paleo Diet
The great thing about Paleo is being able to eat anything you want and as much as you want... as long as the food you are eating is a Paleo food.
What is Paleo food?
At its core, Paleo is meat, vegetables, and fruit. It also means avoiding most dairy products, most legumes, and all grains. Even grains you forget about like corn.
A Paleo snack can be anything you want, any time you want it, with consideration given to moderation depending on your snack of choice. More in this later.
Bridging The Gap
Switching to Paleo or Primal is going to require a certain amount of discipline and self-control. If you haven't tried to go without the foods you normally have every day yet, you will understand what I am talking about when you do.
Trust me. It's not that easy to suddenly go from a latte to black coffee or to go from a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to a plain burger without a bun or sweetened commercial ketchup and no fries.
It is a bit of a shock to your system, but in a good way.
This is where a large quiver filled with great Paleo snack ideas becomes a necessity.
This Is The Reason Why Paleo Snacks Exist
It will happen. Sooner or later you will feel the need to succumb to the allure of a non-Paleo treat and you need to be prepared. was created just for these moments.
Paleo snacks have their place. Depending on what you are eating, I cannot condone their use or abuse on a regular basis. Some things you can eat any time you like. Others, you will need to use some common sense.
Paleo Snack Types
I categorize Paleo snacks into two types:
1 - Anytime Paleo Snacks
These are fruits, veggies, and meats in snackable form. Easy things like apples, oranges, grapes, carrots, cucumber, cold chopped chicken, cubed beef, etc. Kind of the obvious healthy stuff.
2 - Occaisional Paleo Snacks
These are the snacks that attempt to replicate some of the crappy non-Paleo stuff that we all crave from time to time.
These are the snacks that we all want but we need to be careful with. Things like sweet potato chips, carrot fries, almond butter filled goodies, or treats sweetened with honey or maple syrup. provides a balance and provides you with the right solution you need for your craving.
I invite you to check it out and find some great Paleo snacks just right for you!
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